收录时间: 2021-03-31 10:23:15
Mudfog is a pleasant town - a remarkably pleasant town - situated in a charming hollow by the side of a river, from which river, Mudfog derives an agreeable scent of pitch, tar, coals, and rope-yarn, a roving population in oilskin hats, a pretty steady influx of drunken bargemen, and a great many other maritime advantages.
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穿越名侦探柯南的世界,池非迟被送进了医院。   周二。   医生:“明天周几?”   池非迟:“周三。”   医生:“咳,明天周五。”   池非迟:“……”   8月21日。   医生:“明天几月几日?”   池非迟:“8月22日。”   医生:“咳,明天1月1日。”   池非迟:“……”   当所有人都认为混乱的时间是正确的,而其中一人无法正确辩识并融入其中,那这个人就是异类,就是病人!   一入病院深似海,此生痊愈不可能。   池非迟深吸一口气:“老!子!不!干!了!”
不正经的简介: 这游戏也太真实了叭! 怎么打着打着队友的衣服就没了? 什么?你问我这游戏正经不? 当然正经了! 搬砖、跑腿、捡垃圾、送快递……公司最多能让你体会到996的艰辛,在这里你能体会到超级加倍的007。 还有比这更真实的游戏? 好了,不废话了,伟大的管理者大人喊我去搬砖了。 那位大人说了,只要我们献上自己的肝,下个月他又能换一套全新的动力甲,到时候带我们开全新的地图,去广阔的废土捡更多的垃圾! …… 正经的简介: 穿越到废土世界的楚光发现,自己解锁了避难所系统,能够从自己穿越之前的世界召唤名为“玩家”的生物。 从那天开始,整个废土都不正经了。
身怀至尊天子之血,开启最强天子之眼! 武技复制!嗜血狂暴!看破虚幻!记忆读取!焚世黑炎!分身瞬移!空间粉碎!无限视界!时间静止!…… 【混沌天帝】凌峰:“我凭这双眼,敢叫天地颤栗!”
Several of the sketches in this volume have appeared in periodicals."The Bloody Doctor" was in Macmillan's Magazine, "The Confessions ofa Duffer," "Loch Awe," and "The Lady or the Salmon?" were in theFishing Gazette, but have been to some extent re- written. "The DoubleAlibi" was in Longman's Magazine.
作者:Thames & Hudson
As I glance across my table, I am somewhat distracted by the spectacle of a venerable head whose crown occasionally appears beyond, at about its level. The apparition of a very small hand--whose fingers are bunchy and have the appearance of being slightly webbed--which is frequently lifted above the table in a vain and impotent attempt to reach the inkstand, always affects me as a novelty at each recurrence of the phenomenon.
It seems to be odd, at first sight, that there should be any such men as these; but their name and number is legion. If we were to deduct from the hunting-crowd farmers, and others who hunt because hunting is brought to their door, of the remainder we should find that the "men who don't like it" have the preponderance. It is pretty much the same, I think, with all amusements.
There is to be a wedding this morning at the corner house in theterrace. The pastry-cook's people have been there half-a-dozen timesalready; all day yesterday there was a great stir and bustle, and they wereup this morning as soon as it was light. Miss Emma Fielding is going to bemarried to young Mr. Harvey.
作者:Dickens, Charles
作者:Twain, Mark