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《皆大欢喜》是莎士比亚的有代表性的喜剧之一。 莎士比亚通过具有强大艺术力量的形象,从他的那些典型的、同时又具有鲜明个性的主人公的复杂的关系中,从他们的行动和矛盾中去揭示出他们的性格。戏剧中放射出的强烈的人文主义思想光芒,以及卓越而大胆的艺术技巧,其意义早已超出了他的时代和国家的范围。 As You Like It is one of Shakespeare's finest romantic comedies, variously lyrical, melancholy, satiric, comic and absurd. Its highly implausible plot generates a profusion of love-lorn men, a resourceful heroine in disguise, sexual ambiguity, melancholy philosophising and finally a multiplicity of marriages. The ironic medley of pastoral artifice, romantic ardour and quizzical reflection has helped to make As You Like It perennially popular in the theatre.