收录时间: 2021-06-28 12:02:36
When Frank Algernon Cowperwood emerged from the Eastern District Penitentiary in Philadelphia he realized that the old life he had lived in that city since boyhood was ended. His youth was gone, and with it had been lost the great business prospects of his earlier manhood. He must begin again.
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这是一个英雄辈出的时代,李世民、窦建德、王世充、李密、萧铣、张须陀、李靖、苏定方.....大浪淘尽,千古风流人物。   这又是一个充满机遇的时代,隋末天下,群雄争霸,美人似玉,江山如画,唯强者可居。   魂系千年,权门庶子,黄沙百战,气吞万里如虎,对面李唐的强势兴起,他敢与之争夺天下否?
天灾到来之际,全民穿越废土世界,面临死亡生存挑战! 恐怖酸雨,滔天洪灾,天火焚城,全球冰川,超级辐射.... 没有人可以幸免! 人类想要活下来只能建造避难所,接受一轮又一轮的天灾洗礼。 幸好,苏摩觉醒了末日生存系统! 他的避难所竟然可以无限升级! 【木门】→【铁门】→【合金大门】→..... 【木矛】→【椆木矛】→【电磁矛】→..... 【柴油发电机】→【生物发电机】→【温差发电机】→..... 当所有人奔波在为下次灾难到来准备时,苏摩已经满身装备,横行废土世界。 “咱们还在点油灯,人家冰箱都用上了!” “他的避难所听说墙壁就有几十米厚,是世界上最安全的地方” “有生之年,我想进入苏神避难所居住一天”
张小强是个小人物,本是一名混吃等死的小吊丝,宅在家里的他,躲过丧尸病毒的首次爆发,看到同住一个小区的邻居变成丧尸,他感受到了无边的恐惧,他在人吃人的末世中孤独求生,最后受尽孤独折磨的他,拿起了自己的装备,走向了外面狼烟滚滚的世界。 他以顽强不死的蟑螂为榜样,因为蟑螂会在末世的夹缝里活下去,直到夹缝再也容不下他。 他在残酷的末世离,绞尽脑汁,做陷阱,建基地,抗尸潮,与人斗,与天斗.
作者:Perkins, Lucy Fitch
High on the kitchen wall of an old farm-house on a mountainside in Switzerland there hangs a tiny wooden clock. In the tiny wooden clock there lives a tiny wooden cuckoo, and every hour he hops out of his tiny wooden door, takes a look about to see what is going on in the world, shouts out the time of day, and pops back again into his little dark house, there to wait and tick away the minutes until it is time once more to tell the hour.
Monday afternoon the storm which had been beating up against the southeasterly wind nearly all day thickened, fold upon fold, in the northwest. The gale increased, and blackened the harbor and whitened the open sea beyond, where sail after sail appeared round the reef of Whaleback Light, and ran in a wild scamper for the safe anchorages within.
作者:William Makepeace Thackeray
MY DEAR ----,--It is no easy task in this world to distinguish between what is great in it, and what is mean; and many and many is the puzzle that I have had in reading History or the works of fiction which go by that name, to know whether I should laud up to the skies, and endeavor, to the best of my small capabilities, to imitate the remarkable character about whom I was reading, or whether I should fling aside the book and the hero of it, as things altogether base, unworthy, laughable, and get a novel, or a game of billiards, or a pipe of tobacco, or the report of the last debate in the House.
我,只是九界的一缕冤魂,飘荡了很久很久,现在的我,只要重生,只要复仇! 我,融赤血,终于得偿所愿了! 这一世,我是李昊凯。 废柴的身子又如何,我是元神强大的丹圣器圣,就算是废柴身子,那也无所谓! 前世害我的那些人!你们就等着下地狱吧!
呜呼哀哉!天下岂有圆满之宇宙,简而言之一句话:人之情,出言则欲听,举事则欲成。岁月勿勿、白驹过隙,静心一思,僻如以十年前处事之心与现今之识相比,谓之为何!输乎?赢乎! 每个人心中都有一个传奇,都梦想成为一位英雄,然而如何去做一名英雄不知各位想过没有,殊不知凡事都是有过程的,没看到其中之跋涉之艰辛,只看到别人辉煌的成就之处,只能徒有羡鱼之情罢了!